Mermaid Popsicle Stick Puppets

Vane and I had a blast mixing and matching pipe cleaners, mini pom poms, paper and crayons to handcraft a unique group of girl gang mermaids. Crayola skin tone crayons and an assortment of rainbow colored papers and markers helped us self represent and be imaginative to create beautiful friends for our selfie puppets. Vane enjoyed selecting the bikini top and fin color pairings, along with hairstyle designs while I got to work with the scissors. Mini heart lips and polka dot bellybuttons are a great way to get the little ones involved with adding the character to the craft. Vanessa sparred no time and got right to playing as each mermaid was complete. As you can see from the photos below they were loved on pretty quickly ;)

Enjoy creating more mermaids for the sea with your kiddos at home. xo RCN


Bloody Pumpkins

Boo! It's only a week left until Halloween. If you are looking for a quick last minute idea to help decorate for your weekend Halloween party, or want something fun to try out with the kids, I've got you covered. I couldn't help, but see this all over Facebook and I wanted to try it out myself. Luckily my Aunt Kathy and cousin Katie tried it out before me and gave me all the tips! Be sure to use very cold water, and move quickly once polish is in water, otherwise the polish will coil latch to the containers edges. I recommend using a container you aren't fond of, or one that is not used for food - just in case! See below "how-to" video and supply list. Boo! xo RCN

You will need:

Mini white pumpkins

Nail polish in color (s) of choice - I went with red only for a bloody look


Container to throw away/recycle

Very cold water

Old rag - to set finished pumpkins upside down to dry