Spring Goals

I made a list of goals at the beginning of the year, some of which I have accomplished, but many on the list remain a work in progress. Nope, haven't been going to the gym 3-5x a week. Not even close! I have been meditating, I've written "a couple" of letters. My greatest achievement has been spending more time in the water-- and I do not mean that as a joke. The goal was to get me more active in the water, in a positive way. This year I began volunteering weekly, obtaining water samples and processing them in a lab for the Blue Water Task Force; a group that is part of the Surfrider Foundation. I'd say that is a positive way of increasing my time in the water, as it's an effort to educate and advocate for clean water here on Miami Beach.

Anyhow, I decided to break up my goals for the year on a seasonal basis, starting with Spring. After all, Spring is for fresh starts. I pulled a few of the more pressing goals I have such as "Get a bike" and "Get a dog trainer for Ethel" into my first list for Spring. I sprinkled in a few others to keep things fun and keep me on my feet. Updated lists tend to keep me accountable. I'll for sure keep you posted on my progress. What are your Spring goals? xo RCN


Goals: Surfrider Foundation

Before the New Year, I made a list of my goals for 2017. Quite frankly, I haven't looked back on them until this past weekend, and revisiting the list has only made me realize that I haven't met many of my goals. For that, I am cutting myself a little slack, as I have been preoccupied with a lot of personal and family matters over the last eight months or so. However, I am also getting my butt in gear. The year isn't over, we still have a quarter of the time left, so I am going to take advantage of it. There is one goal that I have begun working towards, and I am very happy I did it. Zach and I joined the Surfrider Foundation. We have long been wanting to become involved in a volunteer group that shares in one of our greatest passions; our love for the ocean and beach. The Surfrider community engages in actively protecting, campaigning, and educating about our ocean and beaches, ranging from water testing programs to beach clean ups. The volunteer organization is broken up into chapters all across the country and our coastlines. Z and I knew that we had to join. We took part in our first volunteer activity this past month with the Miami Beach chapter, a dune restoration project. A few hours of clipping, shoveling, and dragging away branches from an invasive tropical plant in the Miami Beach dunes was exhausting, but we loved it! It feels great for the mind, body, and soul when you are doing something you love, and helps you, others, and our Earth. We look forward to the next volunteer opportunity in our local Chapter and becoming more involved in the local programs offered through the foundation. Check HERE, for opportunities at a beach near you. xo RCN


This Is 30 Gift Guide

My outlook on turning 30 is simple and good. 30 is the same as being 20, but maybe even better, right!? And after all, if it is just as good as my 20s, then I think I will be in pretty good shape.

I lived a full life in my 20s and had a wonderful time. Yet, there are a few things I did or dealt with then, that I am glad I no longer have to conquer or do in life, ever again. Nothing terrible, just things that I am happy to have accomplished, signed and sealed. College, for example, it was a blast, but at the end of the day I don't want to study for midterms or worry about getting my first "real" job, ever again. Zach and I were married at 25. It was the most beautiful day of my entire life and I wouldn't change a thing. That being said, I am so happy I am married and don't ever have to worry about finding the man of my dreams, ever again. I am blessed we nailed the forever thing down in our 20s.

Then, there are the things that I am glad will stay the same from my 20s to 30s. At 21, I was legal to drink champagne, mojitos, and all my favorite libations. The same will happen in my 30s, as I am glad there is not a law to revoke drinking at 31. I traveled around the world in my 20s and I for sure hope that fortune continues. I plan on it. I worked really hard at my career over the last decade, and I plan on doing the same for the next ten years, no matter what I end up doing each day. 

So, 30 for me is about continuing to live and love life and build dreams. I want to grow a bigger family with my husband, explore new places, and find a forever home that I can put as much wallpaper and hang as many plants from the ceiling as I desire. With all those additions to the things that continue from my 20s, I am projecting my 30s to be the best years yet. Cheers to 30! Here is my birthday gift guide for anyone that is turning 30, 20, or older! All are based on the thoughtful presents my loved ones gifted me this year. xo RCN