Picnic Essentials: Joe's Take Away


Sometimes you are just meant to have a spontaneous date night with a friend on a week night. That is exactly what I did with my dear friend Colleen this week. It so happened we learned last minute that we were both flying solo for dinner Thursday and decided to turn it into something much more delicious and enjoyable than eating salads and drinking wine alone on the couch. Though, some nights that is my favorite thing to do. But, in the spirit of Fall, Colleen and I packed our Autumn picnic essentials; beautiful dinner plates from Anthropologie, a colorful tartan blanket scarf from Zara, flowers and pumpkins for mood (of course!) and headed down to        Joe's Stone Crab to pick up the seafood and pie.

Joe's Stone Crab is an institution in Miami. Everyone knows the exact day and time that Joe's begins serving the local hot commodity, Florida stone crab. Both the formal dining restaurant and the take away venue (next door to one another) become blooming with customers craving the crabs come Mid October. In Miami, the stone crab is a signification of Fall, as it is only available starting around this time of year. We ordered stone crab, a crab roll, and the famous key lime pie and headed straight to South Pointe Park.  

It made out for a special and relaxing evening with a beautiful friend. I am ready for another Joe's night soon. Only regret was not picking up the jellybeans at checkout. Life is good.  xo RCN